The Governance Team

The Governance Team

The eGovernment Business Management Team, also known as the eGov Team, is made up of representatives from 11 state agencies. The following agencies have permanent seats on the eGov Team: DOA, DOT, DNR, DFI, DOR, DWD, and DSPS.

The eGov team meets monthly to review proposed new projects and address other eGov program needs.

Ricki Koinig Chairperson,
Department of Natural Resources
Megan Bergum Department of Transportation
Monty Cordell Department of Administration
Mike Trepanier Department of Financial Institutions
Julie Raes Department of Revenue
Gwen Jones Department of Safety and Professional Services
Ashley Andre Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Dean Butler Department of Health Services
Linda Preysz Department of Workforce Development
Kelli Kaalele Wisconsin Historical Society
Herb Britsch Department of Justice